Friday, November 24, 2006
For the Love of a Fish.
The Blue Marlin tastes a bit salty. It was cooked with coconut milk and crushed with a lot of garlic. Looks rather appetizing than it was eaten.

I had that for breakfast yesterday.

When I left home today to be here in a computer shop to blog, my aunt was cooking the same thing. I have all the desire to eat it for I know my aunt is a really good cook.

with that all in my mind right now, it occured to my thinking how the "blue marlin" i was hoping to catch in the vast ocean would taste. I am not speaking of it in its literal sense althou at the back of my mind, that thought is being entertained. I assume the fish tastes sweet. or maybe sour. or... a fish that has a taste that has the taste of sophistication that even the bestest food taster there is will not distinguish. I think.

The blue marlin was rather good looking the last time I saw the fish compared with the previous liqour encounters. Even if I had no sleep that time, the fish enticed me with some sort of emo unknown. The best part was, the fish took me home. Unfortunately, the sad part was, we were not talking. Why? I dont know the fish's language.

I dont wanna give myself false hopes of catching a beautiful fish such as that. I have my options open, and if the fish jump in to my boat, i'd be glad. with smile as big as the fishe's smile. :-) But no matter what the future holds, i am pretty sure, there are still other fishes swimming in the ocean to get to me...without the bait.