Friday, October 19, 2007
whatever this is, it's this.
Perhaps for an indefinite time, I am going to post survey questions or whatever this numbered question things are called. I get all these sets in other blogs and firendster.

I got this one from one of my favorite blogs: NathanExposed

1. Do you try to look hot when you go to the grocery store just in case someone recognizes you from your blog?

i don't think blogging is a craze here in my area so i don't worry getting recognized. but i like to look hot just because i dont think I am. I need extra effort to be hot or recognized. hehehe

2. Are the photos you post Photoshopped or otherwise altered?

just the resolution, lighting, cropping and some girlish art. but alterations like making me look buff or tall nose and what nots, No.

3. Do you like it when creeps or dorks email you?

hmmm,,if he's cute underneath that dorkiness, why not. I don't mind.

4. Do you lie in your blog?


5. Are you passive-aggressive in your blog?

i am just a SO -SO, like i am in real life. I get in trouble when i think too much.

6. Do you ever threaten to quit writing so people will tell you not to stop?

what? why would i do that. as if i am a celbrity. No. i am a no V.i.P.

7. Are you in therapy? If not, should you be? If so, is it helping?

i should be. I should be in physical rehab for my MPS (myofascial pain syndrome) but can't afford it. I also have anxieties and wqas advised for counselling. I can manage, still, however. if i cant, then i'll go counselling. hehehe

8. Do you delete mean comments? Do you fake nice ones?

i dont get any comments so what is there to delete?

9. Have you ever rubbed one out while reading a blog? How about after?

rubbed out i don't think I understand what this means, but i guess, i haven't.

10. If your readers knew you in person, would they like you more or like you less?

maybe, maybe not.

11. Do you have a job?

been Out of job for two years now. will eventually have one, soon. i will tell you.

12. If someone offered you a decent salary to blog full-time without restrictions, would you do it?

Hell Yea!

13. Which blogger do you want to meet in real life?

i dont really know. i dont know much bloggers but i read a dozen of blogs.

14. Which bloggers have you made out with?

myself. hehehehe

15. Do you usually act like you have more money or less money than you really have?


16. Does your family read your blog?

my sisters do and my cousins

17. How old is your blog?

i had my accident in seot 2005, i started this blog in Nov that year. so that makes it almost two years old.

18. Do you get more than 1000 page views per day? Do you care?

i dont know. but i do care if I will get a lot of hits!

19. Do you have another secret blog in which you write about being depressed, slutty, or a liar?

hmmm...that sounds nice.... Maybe i should make one.

20. Have you ever given another blogger money for his/her writing?

I wish.

21. Do you report the money you earn from your blog on your taxes?


22. Is blogging narcissistic?

sort of. but i wish its not that narcissistic. i try my best to do away with "I" but when I start to try, what comes out first is "i". Darn it!

23. Do you feel guilty when you don't post for a long time?

not really, but i get frustrated not being able to post. this is like my diary. a release of my inner thoughts.

24. Do you like John Mayer?

he's ok.

25. Do you have enemies?

well.... i have ex friends but not necessarily enemies. lets just say we have our own separate lives now.

26. Are you lonely?

sometimes. Yea, i guess.

27. Why bother?

bother what?

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Blogger Nathan said...
Hi there, nice to meet you :)

Thanks for the mention. I'm glad you consider my blog to be one of your favorites :) Interesting answers! I think that particular survey was one of the better ones I've seen floating around. I'm glad you decided to do it too.

I really liked your statement about your beliefs on the sidebar, under "Me and this blog" too :) And that "I'm So Gay" widget is HILARIOUS! hahaha!

Blogger Hazen said...
It is incredibly frustrating to not understand tagalogue and not really understand the full emotions in this blog.

the writer is so beautiful.
