Monday, September 17, 2007
keep on walking
Let's see....

It's been 2 years now after the accident that, let me say, made a huge mark, disfigured my life literally and figuratively! and it has affected my over all being---negatively, I have to admit! Even if i said to myself back then, that I am ok,i'm cool, etc etc... I guess I just lied, to people and most especially to myself. I am not OK!

Let's see....
live in the now...

forget the past...

...and keep moving forward.

Those are three things thats been bugging me lately, aside from, of course, my being a hypochondriac, where which every slight change in my bodily function is always regarded to as symptoms of cancer. I can't help it. Since that day sometime in Febuary when I was admitted to the hospital for fear of having TIA (transient ischemic attack), I've been overly thinking and assessing every thing I feel in my body.

Even if I am acknowledging the fact that I maybe a hypochondriac I still feel some things going on inside me, malaise that is.

In every day, I consume hours worrying about my health. In order to interrupt my worries, I run around the house and get myself sweaty and tired. It helps for a while but in the event that I feel something again, there goes the worrying.

So for the past few days, I registered in my head those three things I mentioned above. It all applies to most things happening in my life lately, especially this paralyzing situation I have made myself. What bothers me is how to apply them. I mean I do know how but with the limited resources and the environment I am in, its just so hard to focus. But I'm trying my best "to keep moving forward" ... and i will, whatever it takes!

...and I will talk more about that when I get back with my needed privacy when I blog (people are around, I can't concentrate!)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It is the proper attitude to go forward and fight on. You reminded me of my other friend from NY. She is hot, sexy like those girls in OC or One Tree Hill but suddenly she had this car accident that crippled her but she still now fights on to walk again. I hope things will get better soon. Just don't lose hope