Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Why do bad things happen to good people?
It seems a long time already that I haven’t posted on this blog that I keep. For the reason that porn blogs pull me to them almost every login session, among other things, I don’t know what to say or write here and with all these thoughts and ideas jammed up in my head I am always in a sort of lost in ideas.

Today, I woke up rather early than my usual “waking up” time. With nothing else to do so early in the day I logged in and checked emails. There was none, but later, “you’ve got mail” alerted me. I read it, thinking about replying but didn’t. Surf a little bit, visited this blog then I logged off. I ate lunch, went to the backyard and smoke.

While smoking, looking at the clear sky and blazing heat, the green scenery feeling the lovely day…”why do bad things happen to good people” entered my puny head. Why then? Since I printed that email just to test if our printer works I read it again. That statement was written in that email. I came across this question several times in the past not really thinking about how to answer it. In philosophy back in college, we were asked to make a paper with that same exact question. I know I got a good grade on that paper but I cannot remember what I wrote in there. Now, I am faced with the same question verbatimly.

So “why do bad things happen to good people?” If I am gonna answer that in just a snap and not using all my senses, I would normally say “I don’t know”. As a matter of fact, I really don’t know. Let me quote what was stated along with that statement in that email:
I guess we do it because..... No person is going to have the answer to why bad things happen to good people. So we hope to get some comfort by asking God. We know that we will not hear a booming voice from the heavens giving us the answer. But we hope that by asking, it will help us come to our own understanding or at the least accept whatever has happened.

I want to give the stress on “we hope that by asking, it will help us come to our own understanding or at the least accept whatever has happened” . I guess that’ll be the best way to say it that I or some others doesn’t really know but feels. I cannot deny the fact that I asked God that question several times. And even if I try not to ask him that question I still do. I think in all my might to why do bad things happen to good people doesn’t really have the answer to it. Philosophers and ordinary human beings tend to answer that question almost always in the logical way but that may seem just like a defense mechanism sort of thing or sort of comforting words to lessen the burden of the one asking. Even if I drain all my resources to satisfy the questioning heart we really, or make that I, don’t know why bad things happen to good people.

I tried to google the question to aid me from going through the question once more. There were several results and I printed some of them in order for me to read and ponder them on in the bathroom before I take my daily shower. I don’t wanna go through all that I read for it is complex as the question is too complex in itself. But I have understood the question and somehow gave me the understanding as to why bad things happen to good people. You see, I have been in to an accident and broke my leg. My world stopped…and I didn’t ask God at the time the tragedy was so fresh. But later I asked him but not really meaning my question for I know, as the quote said it “We know that we will not hear a booming voice from the heavens giving us the answer”. What happened to me is not actually bad or it doesn’t have any good in it. So I am actually at a black in white mode why this happened to me. People close to me have these never ending comforting words of “everything happens for a reason” and “when something happens bad, who knows there may be something good to come later”. Those are really comforting words which at least lessen my worries for the time being when my so called life is at halt.

As I read the explanation as to why bad things happen…it came clear to me that God is so good to let things work the way we never understand. And it also came clear to me tha God is just. You see, whatever it is that exist in this world has its own purpose. Whatever happen has its own reason. Bad things occur because God allow it happen. We will ask “why does God allow bad things to happen”? Now that is another question and has its own complex answers. As humans existing in this world, we were given the gift of choice. But in each choice are consequences and rewards. No matter how I discuss all that in to detail…new questions will arise and will lead me away from the main question that came to mind. As we all know everything is full of contradiction, among other vivid contradiction to the question is people get good rewards and vice versa. We don’t know exactly why but choice is playing a great role in the process. Then again, in each choice we make or do are underlying consequences and rewards. It may not be in the exact package as we know it or ask for it or get the rewards sooner than we think…there is judgement to all that. There is always the right time for everything.

My point of the matter is, bad things really do happen to people who don’t deserve it but (as others would say) it is not to punish us. Although it is really painful to even think about it but that’s how life is. That’s how the mystery of this so called life happens. I do not know exactly if what God wants for it to happen but I know He has reasons for everything. I remember what my friend, Maricon, once told me which is entirely new to my ears. She said: “don’t think of it as paying for some of the things you have done but think that you are suffering with God…and because of that, God is with you and he wants to share his life with you”. What came out of my mouth was unexpected: “what if I don’t want to share in in his suffering?” and both of us were speechless. Yes, what if I don’t want to suffer with God? That is another question. But I don’t mean to ask God that question and I don’t want to ask him that question. Neither do I say out loud that I want to suffer with him but whatever God thinks is best for me, let it be. So if he wants me to suffer with him, with open arms I will for I believe in God and he only wants what is best for me. Riggghhttt(!!!) others would think, or I would think sub consciously. But really, who am I to refuse to who has created and given me life?

I know, I didn’t really answer the question at all. That is a really tough question but I know the answer in my heart. Let me give you the big picture to the answer to that question and whoever wrote this should be given credit for:

There once was a farmer who owned a horse. And one day the horse ran away. All the people in the town came to console him because of the loss. "Oh, I don't know," said the farmer, "maybe it's a bad thing and maybe it's not."
A few days later, the horse returned to the farm accompanied by 20 other horses. (Apparently he had found some wild horses and made friends!) All the townspeople came to congratulate him: "Now you have a stable full of horses!" "Oh, I don't know," said the farmer, "maybe it's a good thing and maybe it's not."
A few days later, the farmer's son was out riding one of the new horses. The horse got wild and threw him off, breaking the son's leg. So all the people in town came to console the farmer because of the accident. "Oh, I don't know," said the farmer, "maybe it's a bad thing and maybe it's not."
A few days later, the government declared war and instituted a draft of all able-bodied young men. They came to the town and carted off hundreds of young men, except for the farmer's son who had a broken leg. "Now I know," said the farmer, "that it was a good thing my horse ran away."

And finally this poem in one of the texts that I have read also gave me the right answer to the question:

I asked for strength and
God gave me difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for wisdom and
God gave me problems to solve.

I asked for prosperity and
God gave me brawn and brain to work.

I asked for courage and
God gave me dangers to overcome.

I asked for love and
God gave me troubled people to help...

My prayers were answered.

This is where the some of the ideas came from:Why Do Bad things happen to Good People.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
hello there! (blog hopping)
your post is really nice, especially the poem. :)

Blogger j3 said...
thanks Janelle. do you have a blog?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I find this answer utterly unsatisfying and rather feel-good in the way that a contrived Disney movie feels good. There is no good reason for masses of little children to starve to death, watch their parents die of AIDS, live in total abject poverty, be abducted, forced to kill their own families as training to be child soldiers, or for parents to watch a once healthy baby and toddler suddenly contract a degenerative and painful disease. People in the first world can easily forget, but these things all happen, all the time, every day, to millions of people. Let's hope there is no such supernatural creator such as our concept of a personal god, or at least hope that when we die we are truly dead, for if there is a god, he is undoubtedly either incompetent or cruel by any human standards.