Friday, February 03, 2006
just a thought
i am surfing, browsing blogs again and googling for pictures of some local celebrities i have the hots with but results came up with nothing that passed my taste...then poof! ibeacme lonely again. BOOOOOO!!! Sounds crazy i know but it has been since "way back when" i've been wanting some excitement in my life. I am turning 26 in a matter of months (with a broken bone) and the so-called excitement i began in 2005 didnt actually continued but ended up with this tragic event in my life *sobs* I accepted that fate however. Never questioned why the hell that happened to me but in the current flow of my mood lately, im beginning to assert my querries. Sadly, i just have to be rational to accept things as they are.

I hope my bone's healing. I am not really at the most of helping myself recover but im doin what i can. By the end of this month im going to visit my doctor again and that'll be the 6th month since the accident. The last time i spoke with my doctor he told me that on that date we'll decide for another operation he called Bone Marrow Injection if nothing good shows up from the next xray. The last xray showed a little bone formation and it seems rather slow in growth. And im almost accepting the fact that i couldn't return to my normal way of walking again much less with having more than a year limping, crippled! My leg xrays showed a portion of missing bone. The doctor removed that fragment since the bone was crushed and it would be nonetheless possible for it to grow back from where it originally was. So that crack would impair me from walking...hopping, and yes, running. I am foreseeing myself gaining weight...GoD!! I dont wanna weigh more than i can handle. As of now, i dont know how much i weigh. My neighbors and people who rarely see me, told me i gained weight but i dont see that actually. My face i guess is a little rounder when its not really, my tummy is getting the bulge...that i need to watch out for. But i dont know whats gonna happen if i cant do calesthenics. My normal exercise back then when i was still able is...ironically, walking and running and hopping!

Sad Sad Sad life. But hey! Im GAY (literally and figuratively!!)! There's more to life than thinking about stuffs that puts me to blues! But you know, these clamors sometimes especially when the goin gets tough.

I just hope what they say is true: "God will never leave you empty he will replace everything you lose if he ask you 2 put something down, its because he wants you to pick up something greater"

My friend janis and nunay told me several times what happened to me happened because "probably" GOD has better plans for me and some people do say i may have forgotten God thats why the accident happened so i could remember Him. I guess it is true...and i hope whats after is better.

Yet again, Im Gay, i should be happy!

Whatta Moment!